
Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother

This is indeed a great book which talks about how a Chinese parents are better at raising kids than Western ones. But, instead, it's a bit of clash of cultures. Amy Chua, as an immigrant striver, determined to make a better life for herself and his family, especially her daughters. The central tenet of Chinese parenting- that children gain confidence by being good at things, and the only way to be good at things is to work at them. This statement is quite hard to argue with. But, in my point of view, i really agree with her way of raising kids in a certain circumstance.  Somehow, I really hope Amy Chua were my mother(XD), so that i can be excellent in music and also academic. For your information, these are some things that Amy's daughters were never allowed to do: Attend a sleepover have a playdate be in a school play complain about not being in a school play watch TV or play computer games choose their own extracurricular activities get any grade less than an A n...


Recently, i have watched a contemporary theater show called "Sandcastle". This was the first time of watching a life theater show and it really meant so much to me. In the show, the focus falls on three best friends. They study together, discuss their future together, play their favorite Dota and football game together, plan their graduation trip together.   I wonder if i have one now. Their friendship starts to raise to a peak where they quarrel because of an scholarship issue - the status and privilege of the bumi putera. It is actually a misunderstanding. But, it is strong enough to ruin the friendship.   I related myself to the scholarship issue... And Friendship is just like the sandcastle. I wonder if our friendship is just like the sandcastle. Three of them went through a lot of things, created a lot of meaningful and happy memories. When they reached the peak of Mount Kinabalu before the quarrel, they promised each other to hike this Mountain again in 10 ye...


新的一年又到来了。虽然我很不想我的年终假期就这么完了,但是我不能不面对现实。 2012年的1月1号,很特别的没有在看烟花下度过。我2012的新年是呆在他家,和他品尝沙巴茶度过的。哈哈!特别吧=p 我希望每一年的这一天我们都能一起度过。我并不渴望于烟花还是什么的,只要简简单单、开开心心的一起度过就心满意住了。:) 新的一年,我写下了一些目标(透露一些而已): 1)要乐观 2)至少学会煮八道菜 3)每个星期读两次新闻 4)存钱(至少rm4500) 5)每个月读两本额外的英文fiction book(新年假期例外) 6)今年的考试要考取pointer 3.87 以上。 7)再次去槟城走走(其实也另有目的 XD) 刚回到学校不久就开始倒数回家的天数。哈哈。期待着华人新年的到来。遗憾的是,他并没有新年假期T.T。 决定了新年后一定要带许多年货回来吃。 开学了,我每天都在想的是几时可以放学。也许太久没有上课了吧,总觉得特别的累。不过今年的课程表也挺满的。这个sem 的活动与上课credit hours 也特别多。就单单在这半年里,我就要考试,制作杂志、参加两个camping、表演shakespeare的King Lear play(performe in verse), English Language Society的种种活动、assignment、等等。。。。。。 2012年,我希望所有我爱的人、我珍惜的人都要过得健健康康、快快乐乐、平平安安。大家都要非常有福运的。还有我们都能跨越一切的困难、铲除一切的三障四魔,得到绝对的幸福。 祝大家新年快乐!

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English Lit.

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