
Showing posts from July, 2011

It is not worth to be stressfull because of you

I don understand why there is such person here. And i don understand why i am the victim as well. Am I too good for you? Why you have to keep saying me "hot, sexy and cute"? Each action i did even every sentence i talked, you said it was cute. It was annoying and i really don't like it. I did told you to stop it but you took it for granted. Can you don't over do ? Can you be well mannered? Why you can kiss my cheek since i am not very close to you? I feel so uneasy and even frightened by your actions. You know what is privacy also right? Can you please don keep entering people's room and staying inside it for a long long time? Don u realize that my roommate and i as well felt not happy? We din tell u doesn't mean that we are okay with it. We just don't want to hurt you. I ignore you as I feel that you are quite scary, violent. The most important thing is hope u can know what mistake you did and try not to do it again. But, you turn to be negative. Crying,k...


以前听得多关于不同种族有许多的不同像是不同于文化等等。 至今我才深深体会到不同种族相处在一起的难处。不只是文化不同,甚至是处理问题的方法、思想上、沟通上都有很多的不同。我,唯一的华人正面临着这些问题。从小(幼稚园到中学)到大都没有试过更那么多土族相处,现在还要一整班都是。不是说我不喜欢,只是,那对我来说是个极大的考验。 我想说,我正在尝试着。我尝试着与他们好好相处,可是为什么那么难?我找不到一位能与我共同面对压力,完成功课,分享课业烦恼的同班同学。那种总是以一个人承担的感觉并不好受。压力大没关系。只要有个好同学一起去分担,一起前进,压力也会减轻,或许不会是个压力而是个回忆。 我不停地寻找解决方法,可是我迷失了自己。迷失自己,寻找出路,我慌张、我镇定、我尝试,我失败。所以,我终于哭了! 哭,但却找不到一个没有人的地方放声大哭。想释放却必须控制自己。我该怎么办? 同班同学,不要来问我你哭过来吗?因为我想说,我看见你们我就想哭。 我,在你们面前必须是位坚强的女生。

Be Proud

It was the first lesson week. I guess all of our colleagues had feel confused on what we actually studied on, or what TESL syllabus is about. There was not much of teaching on this week, just a lot of introduction on each subjects and our personal introduction to each lecture. I think I have spoken the same thing for more than five times. Haha. But it is good to share some of my personal things as we are going together on for five and a half years. We should learn and know more on each other. Actually, I did started to feel lonely. I have no closer friends in this TESL class and those closer friends I have are from the History class. As we are having the different courses, so we have different schedule and having different subject and having classes in different places. Besides at night or at the weekend, we seldom can get together. Even worse was I had to walk alone to class and back to hostel. How pity I am. I kept telling myself not to think too much on that and I did successfully g...