
Showing posts from January, 2011

Mystery death

There were many cases of animal death occurred in this big Earth without any reason. Researches had been carried out but the actual reasons...they too not sure with them. Residents in Faenza described the birds falling to the ground like 'little Christmas balls' with strange blue stains on their beaks. These were only part of it... Have you ever think of any reasons in solving these kind of mystery death? Maybe it is because of the earth is getting sick? Or the great changing in weather? It is still............. Mystery.....

End of the World

Have you ever heard the voices of the end of the world? or have you ever seen it right in front of your eyes ? If somebody asked me these questions, i would answer yes. It was so real tat i could feel my heart skipped a bit though i have waken up from my dream. What kind of feeling it is when u have lost connection with your beloved, your family while the end of the world is coming soon? Little could i describe that feeling as that feeling would only appear in my dream. Hmmm.. But the feeling was like i m screaming in a vacuum..a place without air that no matter how hard u scream, no one would hear your screaming voice... Recently, there was some news saying tat someone predicted the end of the world is coming on next year..But who knows it is real or not? End of the world is kind of scary thing....and i m scare of it whenever it is mentioned...


本來想到國外,姨姨那里散心的.可是因為如果我去,姨姨就麻煩,得申請假期.所以到最後因為不想麻煩她就取消了去她那兒的念頭.開心變失望... 取消去歐洲的念頭... 後來發生了一些不愉快的事使我又有想去旅行散心的念頭.這一次沒有想去遠,只想到吉隆坡..近近得.只是這次又失望了...因為沒人陪我T.T 所以不再想了...不想再失望... 可是我還是很想旅行..........................................................


好开心!!!!! 终于有时间去学跳舞了。跳舞是我从小就很喜爱的运动。从小就不曾离开舞蹈学会的我在我选择进国中时就被逼离开了舞蹈。所以這一次有這樣的機會真的很開心. 如果我能把舞蹈當職業,那該有多好.可惜我並沒有那樣的機會在這一行發展.所以我很珍惜每次學舞蹈的機會也告訴自己要做到最好. 對舞蹈,我有那樣的沖勁,其實對與藝術的東西好像音樂,繪畫我都蠻喜歡的.只是如果我讀獨中,我接觸舞蹈,繪畫的機會就會更多. 如果我真的選擇了獨中,那麼現在的我就不會是現在的我.


其實從那間事發生的時侯,原諒對我來說不再重要. 因為原諒權力不在我手里. 而且我也做好心理準備了. 是的, 不是每個人能接受. 所以就算不再生氣,不再追究, 我們之間有道牆. 或許以後再見面, 我們就像熟悉的陌生人. 這一切有些可惜, 是妳說的, 緣起緣滅, 所以我只能夠 惜緣... 多照顧自己, 保重.