
Showing posts from June, 2012

Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother

This is indeed a great book which talks about how a Chinese parents are better at raising kids than Western ones. But, instead, it's a bit of clash of cultures. Amy Chua, as an immigrant striver, determined to make a better life for herself and his family, especially her daughters. The central tenet of Chinese parenting- that children gain confidence by being good at things, and the only way to be good at things is to work at them. This statement is quite hard to argue with. But, in my point of view, i really agree with her way of raising kids in a certain circumstance.  Somehow, I really hope Amy Chua were my mother(XD), so that i can be excellent in music and also academic. For your information, these are some things that Amy's daughters were never allowed to do: Attend a sleepover have a playdate be in a school play complain about not being in a school play watch TV or play computer games choose their own extracurricular activities get any grade less than an A n...